Government Operations
Elections: precinct maps.
2025-2026 Regular Session
Key Takeaways
  • Requires county election officials to provide precinct boundary maps to any member of the public upon request.
  • Mandates that precinct maps be available in both digital and hard copy formats.
  • Establishes state reimbursement for local agencies' costs of implementing these requirements.
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10% progression
Bill has been formally introduced and read for the first time in its house of origin (12/2/2024)
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Assembly Member Alanis proposes requiring county registrars of voters to provide precinct boundary maps to any member of the public who requests them, establishing a new mandate for electoral transparency in California. The legislation would add Section 12263 to the Elections Code, requiring registrars to make these maps available in both digital and hard copy formats.

Under current law, county elections officials must create and maintain precinct maps and update them when boundaries change, with modifications made within 125 days of an election not taking effect for that election. The new provision would formalize public access to these existing maps without altering the underlying requirements for their creation or modification.

The bill creates a state-mandated local program, potentially requiring state reimbursement to counties for implementation costs. If the Commission on State Mandates determines the bill imposes state-mandated costs, local agencies would receive compensation through established Government Code procedures.

Juan Alanis
Juan AlanisR
California State Assembly Member
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Key Dates
Read first time. To print.
Assembly Floor
Read first time. To print.
Read first time. To print.
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