This bill was recently introduced. Email the authors to let them know what you think about it.
Senator Umberg's proposal to extend free state park access to Gold Star Family members would create a new category of California residents eligible for complimentary day use passes at state-operated parks. The legislation defines eligible recipients as state residents who qualify for gold star lapel buttons under federal law, which recognizes immediate family members of service members who died during military conflicts or qualifying military operations.
The measure builds upon existing provisions that grant free park access to qualifying veterans, including those with disabilities, former prisoners of war, and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Under the proposed system, the Department of Parks and Recreation would issue day use passes to Gold Star Family members who present documentation confirming their eligibility. The department would develop specific regulations to implement the program.
The bill requires no new state appropriations and would operate through existing administrative structures at the Department of Parks and Recreation. While the measure requires fiscal committee review due to potential operational impacts, it does not create new agencies or impose requirements on local governments.