This bill was recently introduced. Email the authors to let them know what you think about it.
Assembly Member Carrillo's proposal to modify veterans' educational benefits would allow military dependents to receive state educational assistance regardless of their eligibility for federal benefits or other government aid. The measure removes existing restrictions that prevent dependents, including spouses of totally disabled veterans, from accessing state educational benefits while receiving federal educational assistance or similar government support.
The change centers on repealing Section 896.1 of the Military and Veterans Code, which currently prohibits concurrent receipt of state and federal educational benefits by veterans' dependents. Under existing law, dependents must choose between state educational benefits and other government assistance programs, limiting their ability to combine multiple sources of support for their education.
The measure maintains the current definition of veteran dependents, which includes spouses of totally disabled veterans, while eliminating barriers to accessing multiple benefit sources. While the bill requires fiscal committee review, it does not include new appropriations or establish additional programs.