This bill was recently introduced. Email the authors to let them know what you think about it.
Assembly Member Alanis's proposal to modify California's regulations on perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in textiles carves out temporary exemptions for law enforcement apparel and outdoor gear designed for severe wet conditions. The legislation maintains the broader January 1, 2025 prohibition on PFAS in new textile articles while extending allowances for these specific categories until January 1, 2028.
The bill institutes new disclosure requirements for exempt outdoor apparel containing PFAS. Starting January 1, 2025, manufacturers must include a clear, legible statement reading "Made with PFAS chemicals" on product labels and online listings. The legislation also establishes a certification system requiring manufacturers to document compliance with PFAS regulations when supplying products to distributors and retailers. Distributors and retailers who rely in good faith on these certificates receive protection from liability for violations.
Manufacturers must continue using the least toxic alternatives when removing PFAS from textile articles to meet the requirements. This provision applies across all covered textile categories, including those temporarily exempt from the prohibition. The certification process allows for electronic submission of compliance documentation between manufacturers and their distribution partners.