This bill was recently introduced. Email the authors to let them know what you think about it.
Assembly Member McKinnor's proposal to modify California's Political Reform Act would triple the maximum allowable campaign contributions in agency proceedings from $500 to $1,500. The legislation addresses contribution limits that apply when officers handle permits, licenses, and other agency entitlements.
Under the proposed changes, agency officers would be prohibited from accepting or soliciting contributions exceeding $1,500 from parties or participants in pending proceedings and for 12 months after final decisions. The bill maintains existing requirements for officers to disclose qualifying contributions and refrain from using their positions to influence decisions when they have received contributions above the threshold. Officers who inadvertently violate these provisions may remedy the situation by returning excess contributions within 30 days if the violation was not willful.
The legislation introduces automatic adjustments to the contribution thresholds beginning in January 2027, with updates every two years based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. These adjustments would help maintain the relative value of contribution limits over time without requiring additional legislative action. The bill preserves current exemptions for competitively bid contracts, labor agreements, and other specified arrangements while clarifying definitions of regulated parties, participants, and agents in agency proceedings.