Reduces the holding period for proceeds from seized agricultural commodities from six to three months. Requires county commissioners to deposit unclaimed proceeds into the county general fund after three months. Maintains existing authority to sell, donate, or destroy seized agricultural commodities.
Reduces the holding period for proceeds from seized agricultural commodities from six to three months. Requires county commissioners to deposit unclaimed proceeds into the county general fund after three months. Maintains existing authority to sell, donate, or destroy seized agricultural commodities.
Undeveloped "intent bill" that aims to restrict non-agricultural use of glyphosate pesticides.
Undeveloped "intent bill" that aims to restrict non-agricultural use of glyphosate pesticides.
Increases funding for California fairs by raising the allocation of sales tax revenue from 0.75% to 5% of gross receipts collected at fairgrounds. Requires the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration to report fair-related sales tax receipts to the Department of Finance by November 1 annually. Mandates specific worker protections including meal breaks and overtime pay for non-management fair employees as a condition for receiving allocated funds. Exempts full-time carnival ride operators and employees under qualifying collective bargaining agreements from the new worker protection requirements.
Increases funding for California fairs by raising the allocation of sales tax revenue from 0.75% to 5% of gross receipts collected at fairgrounds. Requires the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration to report fair-related sales tax receipts to the Department of Finance by November 1 annually. Mandates specific worker protections including meal breaks and overtime pay for non-management fair employees as a condition for receiving allocated funds. Exempts full-time carnival ride operators and employees under qualifying collective bargaining agreements from the new worker protection requirements.
Adds sesame to California's list of major food allergens that food facilities must identify and manage. Requires restaurants to include written notifications of major food allergens on all menu items starting July 1, 2026. Mandates allergen listings use common names that customers can easily understand. Violations of these allergen requirements constitute a misdemeanor under existing food safety laws.
Adds sesame to California's list of major food allergens that food facilities must identify and manage. Requires restaurants to include written notifications of major food allergens on all menu items starting July 1, 2026. Mandates allergen listings use common names that customers can easily understand. Violations of these allergen requirements constitute a misdemeanor under existing food safety laws.
Authorizes licensed cannabis businesses to manufacture and sell hemp-derived products in California. Requires out-of-state hemp manufacturers to register with California before selling food or beverages in the state. Mandates licensing for manufacturers producing hemp-based pet food products. Requires immediate notification to state authorities when hemp manufacturers change their registration details.
Authorizes licensed cannabis businesses to manufacture and sell hemp-derived products in California. Requires out-of-state hemp manufacturers to register with California before selling food or beverages in the state. Mandates licensing for manufacturers producing hemp-based pet food products. Requires immediate notification to state authorities when hemp manufacturers change their registration details.
Undeveloped "intent bill" that aims to improve food affordability and access in California food deserts. Seeks to prevent the expansion of food deserts and ensure healthy food options in underserved areas.
Undeveloped "intent bill" that aims to improve food affordability and access in California food deserts. Seeks to prevent the expansion of food deserts and ensure healthy food options in underserved areas.
Excludes agricultural land under Williamson Act contracts from infrastructure financing district tax allocations. Protects farmland security zones from having their tax revenue diverted to infrastructure projects. Maintains tax exclusions until agricultural land is both rezoned and contracts are formally terminated.
Excludes agricultural land under Williamson Act contracts from infrastructure financing district tax allocations. Protects farmland security zones from having their tax revenue diverted to infrastructure projects. Maintains tax exclusions until agricultural land is both rezoned and contracts are formally terminated.